Entries by vodu

How Valuable is Montasio Cheese in the Italian DOP Economy?

Italy’s agri-food sector boasts an invaluable heritage of Geographical Indication (GI) products recognized nationally, across Europe, and globally for their quality and uniqueness. This GI system not only protects the excellence of Made in Italy but also serves as an economic driver that continues to thrive. The 22nd Ismea-Qualivita Report on DOP, IGP, and STG […]

A Montasio star for a special Christmas

In a small village nestled at the foot of the mountains, where winter wraps everything in a sparkling white blanket, a family gathers every Christmas to decorate the tree with love and care. It’s a moment eagerly awaited, as everyone comes together to adorn the tree and place the star on its top. This year, […]

Purple potato gnocchi, montasio fondue and roasted pioppini

Autumn is the season of warm colors, falling leaves, and rich flavors that warm both the heart and the kitchen. It’s the perfect time to rediscover delicious pairings that celebrate the gifts of the earth, like mushrooms, which are the undisputed stars of this season’s tables.   The recipe we’re sharing combines the sweetness of […]

Montasio souvenirs: flavors to not forget.

Last day of vacation in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marika is in chaos, as always happens when you pack your bags or realize you have to leave a place where you have felt at home and at your place. Clothes, beauty-cases, marked maps of the nature trails visited, tourist guides of what to do, see […]

Five curiosities about cheese

How good is cheese? A lot. How many enigmas surround such an ancient delicacy? An infinite number of possibilities. That’s why the Montasio Dop editorial team read them all – or nearly all- and gathered and picked for you the prettiest, most exclusive, and most amusing ones that will help us learn more about the […]

Say cheese! The real meaning of the famous sentence.

We’re all smiling in the pictures. This, however, has not always been the case. Until the mid-nineteenth century, it was not common practice to smile for a photograph. According to historical records, the teeth first appeared in 1953. Instead, the first smiles appeared in the mid-1940s. What is the cause of this change? There’ s […]