40 grams of Montasio per day: prescription for healthy heart.

Usual consumers of cheese have a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases up to 18%, heart attacks up to 14% and stroke up to 10%. These are the findings of a study-research of the University of Soochow, in China, based on the monitoring of about 200 thousand people over a period of 10 years.


Many studies prove wrong the old theory according to which fat contained in cheese are harmful for heart’s health. On the contrary, many researches show that a regular consumption of this food reduces the risk of stroke.


In particular, cheeses derived from whole milk, like Montasio Pdo, have a positive effect on the good HDL cholesterol, unlike light dairy products. In fact, fats carry out the positive action acting in synergy with other nutrients like proteins, calcium and vitamin A.


Moreover, ripened cheeses, like extra-mature Montasio Pdo (aged for more than 10 months), contain tripeptides; protein fragments that can reduce blood pressure. A great advantage for people suffering from hypertension.


However, when and how much cheese a person should eat? As second course, the ideal would be two or three times per week, better in combination with fresh vegetables, a very good source of fiber. As for mature cheese, one would eat 50 grams maximum, 100 grams per meal of fresh cheese. A serving of 40 grams of cheese is perfect as snack in the morning or afternoon, every day, too.


Nutritionists always recommend to follow a balanced diet, prefer whole carbohydrate food instead of refined ones, and assume an adequate quantity of proteins without forgetting seasonal fruits and vegetables at every meal.


Discover the balanced composition of Montasio cheese on our website: http://www.montasio.com/nutrition-education/

Fit over 50s, foods for a beautiful and healthy body.

Metabolism changes over the years and body needs a particular attention on food intake. The need of nutrients such as calcium and vitamins increases, while the daily energy requirements decrease.


People over 50s need to think carefully about what they eat. The golden rule refers to a varied and balanced diet. You should eat a portion of fruits or vegetable per meal-according to season-a precious source of natural antioxidants. Consumption of red meat, especially sausages and cured meat, should be limited for the benefit of fish and legumes. These, in particular, contain phytoestrogens, helpful for menopausal women.


After the 50s, the muscle mass reduces of about 1-2% per year, therefore, it is important to ensure the body with an adequate amount of proteins. For this reason, you would rather introduce in your diet some products with a high nutritional value, as for example Montasio Pdo cheese, which entails up to 24-26% of proteins. One portion of 50 gr of Montasio aged for 2 months supplies about 12 gr of proteins, along with 370 mg of Calcium, 265 mg of Phosphorus and 209 mg of Vitamin A. These substances contribute in maintaining bones strong and healthy. To find out more about the nutrition facts table of the Montasio Cheese please consult the page: http://www.montasio.com/nutrition-education/.


However, the important is not only what you eat, but how and when, too. A correct chewing helps digestion and reduces appetite between one meal and the next one. Moreover, the caloric intake should be spread over the day. For example, assuming carbohydrates at breakfast and lunch allows the body to metabolize them into energy within the first part of the day. While a light, protein-based dinner accompanied with vegetables has significant benefits on digestion before sleeping.


Last, to be fit in your 50s you need to exercise, at least 5 days per week. From long walks in the countryside to yoga: the physical activity is fundamental to maintain a flexible and firm muscle structure, but event to prevent cardio-vascular problems. A regular physical exercise and healthy diet are the magic recipe for feeling good, no matter what is your age.


Montasio PDO cheese “Product of the Mountain” (PDM) and “Italian Red Pied Only” (PRI, Pezzata Rossa Italiana): “back to future” in the dairy tradition.

Product and process innovations may contribute to reinforce the relationship between an Italian excellence like Montasio PDO, territory and traditions.


In the past, the focus of dairy production was the selection of cattle breeds with a high productive specialization and industrialization of transformation processes. Today, the product’s origin and protection of the environment and animals’ health are a priority. In fact, even customers are more and more interested on these themes.


In this context, the experimentation supported by the Research and Technological Innovation Center for Agriculture of the University of Udine in collaboration with the Livestock Owner’s Association of Friuli Venezia Giulia moves forward for the sake of the production of Montasio Pdo cheese with the labels “Product of the Mountain” and “Italian Red Pied Only”.


In order to obtain the Montasio Pdo label, the cheese shall be produced in the area indicated by the Consortium for the Promotion of the product:  http://www.montasio.com/montasio-cheese/#production-area. Moreover, only the cheese produced with raw milk collected, processed and matured (for at least 60 days) at over 600 meters of altitude may be classified as “Product of the Mountain”. The further indication “Italian Red Pied Only” refers to the milk, which shall derive from animals that are inscribed in the herd book of this breed, recognized as “breed of national utility” in the 50s already. Where does the Red Pied come and when did it first appear? This specific cow takes origin from an experiment for the genetic improvement of the old Friulian breed through subsequent crossbreeds with the Fribourg breed first and Simmenthal at a later stage. In the early Sixties, this breed became very popular all around Italy and in 1986, the Friulian Red Pied turned into the Italian Red Pied.


Organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of cheese are deeply influenced by feeding of cows, which during summer graze free. The production of Montasio Pdo in the Alpine areas has a positive impact on the environment, since it contributes to the protection of agrobiodiversity and conservation of grasslands and pasture areas, as well as to the employment of inhabitants.


Montasio PDO-PDM-PRI is available at the Malga Montasio already, easily accessible by car from Sella Nevea (Municipality of Chiusaforte), and at the farm shops of the Dairy of Ugovizza.

Summer food: when cheese helps to stay fit

Green light for food rich in nutrients, but-nonetheless-highly digestible, such as Montasio cheese, better if combined with fruits or vegetables.


During summer season, diet experts recommend to prefer food rich in nutrients and highly digestible at the same time, in order to compensate the loss of mineral salts and vitamins due to copious perspiration, possibly without interfering with digestion. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can improve the mental and physical well-being even in the hottest summer days.


First of all, never miss breakfast: if you do not provide energy at the right moment, your body slows down the normal consumption because it has no “fuel”, and when it is supplied with energy it is keen to preserve it, creating body fat, instead of use it. What shall we eat in the morning? An option could be oat flakes or a yoghurt with a fresh fruit. What about a snack? A light and healthy possibility may be a whole-wheat sandwich with 50g of fresh Montasio cheese, this last supplies 192 calories, but 370 g of calcium, 265 mg of phosphorus and 209 mg of vitamin A.

Find out more on the nutrition facts table of Montasio: http://www.montasio.com/nutrition-education/.


Even lunch and dinner would be perfect with fresh ingredients and low-processed foods, as for example whole-wheat pasta (better at lunch), Montasio cheese and vegetables (even three times per week), eggs and vegetables (up to twice per week), legumes and cereals (at least 2 times per week), fish and vegetables (up to three times per week). Especially during summer, vegetable should be eaten raw; so to preserve precious nutrients. Moreover, avoiding hot foods helps regulating body temperature.


If you want to stay fit avoid packaged foods rich in simple sugars, salt, preserving agents, which increase the fat mass with respect to the fat-free mass favoring salt and water imbalance that give rise to problems of water retention. Therefore, it is essential reading carefully the food labels and purchasing fresh foods mainly.


Physical exercise in combination with a healthy diet-as for example a late afternoon bike ride-reinforces the muscle mass and puts endorphins into circulation for a general sensation of well-being. You can find many advices for living well and following a correct diet in our Facebook page: https://business.facebook.com/FormaggioMontasio.

Il Montasio Biologico Dop: la scelta sana per il benessere di uomo e natura.

Emanuela Perenzin, alla guida della prima latteria che ha prodotto il Montasio Biologico, racconta i perché della scelta Bio.

Cheese evangelist”, così ama definirsi Emanuela Perenzin, titolare della storica Latteria Perenzin che a Bagnolo, in Provincia di Treviso, produce formaggi da cinque generazioni e che ha iniziato, attorno agli anni 2000, la produzione del Montasio Biologico Dop. Per Emanuela il Bio è una filosofia fondata sul rispetto del territorio e degli animali, uno stile di vita da trasmettere alle nuove generazioni, come emerge dalle sue risposte alle domande che le abbiamo posto.

Come nasce il formaggio Montasio Biologico Dop? A fare la differenza è la materia prima. Si utilizza, infatti, solo latte biologico certificato, prodotto da mucche trevigiane che vengono allevate nel rispetto del ritmo di crescita e del benessere animale, senza costringerle a un rendimento maggiore. Queste mucche sono lasciate libere di stare all’aperto e seguono un’alimentazione naturale, disciplinata da specifiche normative, che si traduce in un’altissima qualità del latte. Una volta arrivato al caseificio, il latte crudo viene termizzato, ovvero sottoposto a un trattamento termico blando, infatti il Montasio Dop non contempla la pastorizzazione proprio per preservarne il sapore e i profumi. Il latte viene quindi addizionato con i fermenti lattici previsti dal disciplinare di produzione e si procede all’aggiunta del caglio. La cagliata viene poi tagliata a piccoli pezzi, che favoriscono la stagionatura e la fuoriuscita dell’umidità, e versata negli stampi. Dopo la pressatura e il ribaltamento della forma, il formaggio viene fatto drenare. Il giorno successivo si procede alla salamoia e, infine alla stagionatura, che deve durare minimo 2 mesi.

Dove viene venduto il Montasio Biologico Dop? Oltre che nel nostro negozio, il Montasio Biologico è acquistabile nei Natura Sì di tutta Italia. La collaborazione con la Gdo specializzata consente a tutti i consumatori italiani attenti alla propria alimentazione di gustare un prodotto naturale. Inoltre, il nostro Montasio Bio viene esportato all’estero, grazie a una rete di distributori, soprattutto in Germania.

Perché scegliere il Montasio Biologico Dop? Ognuno di noi dovrebbe adottare comportamenti e abitudini alimentari che rispettano l’ambiente. L’agricoltura biologica fa bene non solo alla nostra salute ma anche a quella della nostra terra. Consumare prodotti biologici è una scelta etica basata sul “Buono, pulito e giusto” di Carlo Petrini (fondatore dell’Associazione Slow Food), ovvero tre principi di una nuova gastronomia consapevole che dobbiamo impegnarci ad insegnare ai nostri figli.