
The beauty of food, Montasio: a work of art.

Let’s pretend we are in a museum. We’ve just walked down bright corridors lined with neoclassical sculptures. We have seen ancient ceramics, display cases completely covered with jewels. On the walls, ancient canvases depicting portraits of women, bucolic landscapes and still lives. We are literally breathing art. We are also surrounded by the genius of the people who went through this life before us. Nice to see their expressions and their looks. The atmosphere around us is full of beauty.

Our guide stops in front of a medium-sized crystal case from which two other groups of visitors have just departed. Taking a proud bearing, the guide says “Here we can see a typical masterpiece of dairy art.”

We all go to the display case, intrigued, and admire a cylindrical form of cheese with flat and slightly convex faces. The form is commanding and flawless.

The plate at the case’s base recites “MONTASIO DOP”.

“Montasio cheese is part of the great family of Alpine cheeses,” says the guide as he walks around the highly polished display case.

“These cheeses date back to the first millennium. Their production was used to secure a perishable product such as milk.

“This provided food reserves for times when milk was scarce or non-existent.” “What a time-saving invention!” “They could therefore manage to eat cheese all year round, as we do!” exclaims a child, causing the guide to jiggle.

“That’s right: I’m going to tell you a little bit of history now. Montasio was born around 1200 in the Julian and Carnic Alps valleys, thanks to the perseverance and intelligence of the Benedictine monks.” Continues the guide.

In Moggio Udinese (on the north side of Montasio), there is still the convent, which is now used by the Clarisse nuns, where the various Malghesi production techniques were most likely refined. Let’s appreciate the beauty of this shape: the rind is smooth and thin, with a light color that darkens with age.

As a result, the consistency is compact and elastic. It softens in the Fresco version and gradually strengthens in the medium until it becomes decisive with a slight spiciness in the seasoned.

Instead, the Stravecchio version is particularly aromatic. As a result, we can say that you are looking at a genuine work of… ”

“No!” “Wait a minute” “Before declaring that this is a work of art, a tasting is considered necessary.” Says a kid in the crowd.

The guide, smiling, nods. “You’re right: I was about to invite everyone to the tasting in the room next door!”The group applauds and rejoices because there is always a party when Montasio is present.

Fit over 50s, foods for a beautiful and healthy body.

Metabolism changes over the years and body needs a particular attention on food intake. The need of nutrients such as calcium and vitamins increases, while the daily energy requirements decrease.


People over 50s need to think carefully about what they eat. The golden rule refers to a varied and balanced diet. You should eat a portion of fruits or vegetable per meal-according to season-a precious source of natural antioxidants. Consumption of red meat, especially sausages and cured meat, should be limited for the benefit of fish and legumes. These, in particular, contain phytoestrogens, helpful for menopausal women.


After the 50s, the muscle mass reduces of about 1-2% per year, therefore, it is important to ensure the body with an adequate amount of proteins. For this reason, you would rather introduce in your diet some products with a high nutritional value, as for example Montasio Pdo cheese, which entails up to 24-26% of proteins. One portion of 50 gr of Montasio aged for 2 months supplies about 12 gr of proteins, along with 370 mg of Calcium, 265 mg of Phosphorus and 209 mg of Vitamin A. These substances contribute in maintaining bones strong and healthy. To find out more about the nutrition facts table of the Montasio Cheese please consult the page:


However, the important is not only what you eat, but how and when, too. A correct chewing helps digestion and reduces appetite between one meal and the next one. Moreover, the caloric intake should be spread over the day. For example, assuming carbohydrates at breakfast and lunch allows the body to metabolize them into energy within the first part of the day. While a light, protein-based dinner accompanied with vegetables has significant benefits on digestion before sleeping.


Last, to be fit in your 50s you need to exercise, at least 5 days per week. From long walks in the countryside to yoga: the physical activity is fundamental to maintain a flexible and firm muscle structure, but event to prevent cardio-vascular problems. A regular physical exercise and healthy diet are the magic recipe for feeling good, no matter what is your age.


La foodblogger Sonia Paladini racconta la degustazione di Montasio Dop.

Curiosità storiche e consigli per gustare al meglio questo buono e sano formaggio.

Di ritorno dalla degustazione di Formaggio Montasio Dop presso La Scuola di Cucina Italiana a Milano, la nota blogger appassionata di food & wine Sonia Paladini ha voluto raccontare sul suo blog l’incontro con il Montasio.

Secondo Sonia, il pregiato formaggio, è ottimo consumato grattugiato su paste e risotti o in aggiunta a minestre di verdure, perché in grado di esaltare i sapori di ogni singolo piatto. Il Montasio Dop si presta ad essere utilizzato per la preparazione di aperitivi rustici, ad esempio in aggiunta a salumi o polenta, ma anche per sfiziosi finger food, nei quali dare sfogo alla propria creatività, da abbinare magari a un ottimo calice di Prosecco Doc, come proposto durante la degustazione presso La Scuola di Cucina Italiana.

Durante la degustazione, è stato sottolineato come il Montasio Dop sia naturalmente privo di lattosio e abbia una composizione equilibrata (32 – 36% di acqua, 32 – 34% di lipidi e 24 – 26% di proteine). Inoltre, continua Sonia sul suo blog, l’assaggio di ricette a base di Montasio è stata accompagnata dal racconto della storia di questo storico formaggio, dal quale è emersa la passione per la natura e la montagna delle persone che realizzano questo prodotto. Il formaggio Montasio, la cui nascita viene fatta risalire attorno al 1700, deve la sua bontà alle particolari caratteristiche del suolo e del clima del Friuli Venezia Giulia e del Veneto Orientale nel quale viene prodotto e alla maestria dei casari, che nei secoli si sono trasmessi, di padre in figlio, le competenze del mestiere. A vigilare sulla tipicità del Montasio Dop è, dal 1984, il Consorzio Tutela del Formaggio Montasio (

“Un ottimo compagno di viaggio tra i sapori”, questa la definizione che Sonia dà del formaggio Montasio. Concedersi un pezzettino di Montasio a merenda o dopo l’attività sportiva, diventa una piccola coccola quotidiana, perché, prosegue Sonia, “Volersi bene è la priorità e la condizione necessaria per volerne anche agli altri”.

Per saperne di più sul racconto di Sonia alla degustazione, seguite il Montasio sul profilo Instagram ufficiale